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Preparatory Communication #13
#divination #astral #harmful #invisible #spirit #naivety #curiosity #emotions
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Any forms of divination generate forces in man that may endanger his state of mind. The objects of divination are under the control of the astral powers and man’s recourse for these objects endangers the balance of his mental forces. Man has no memory of his past and he does not understand the connection between this past and his present life. So that every form of divination, every object of divination, has a hidden power that allows man to communicate with the memory of his past, so that the forces contained in that memory can easily flow into his spirit and nourish it.
Man’s past has not always been very positive. And since the past has a natural tendency to return to the present, to remanifest itself, man can easily become its prey, such that the energy of their memories, rather than the mistakes of the past, is perpetuated.
The objects of divination, by their very nature, represent on the material plane a bridge with the invisible forces of the astral. The danger of this bridge is not obvious to man, because he discovers in the laws, objects of divination, a singular pleasure, as much on the psychological, occult, or spiritual level. What man does not realize is that these objects have been intuitively presented to humanity in order to increase man’s occult power, and to involve him, through his body of desire, in tampering, consciously or unconsciously, with the forces that distort the real aspect of man’s spiritual and evolving consciousness.
Man has the naive impression that because something works that it works and that it is good. This impression is extremely dangerous, because it creates a certain dependence in the individual, depending on whether his relationship with forms or objects of divination is more or less rooted in his natural temperament. The great texts that have served to guide humanity out of the darkness of the spirit have always set the phenomenon of divination apart and have always demonstrated its harmful character to the spiritual evolution of man. But today, with the psychological evolution of modern man, these objects or forms are returning to the market, and endangering many individuals.
All forms of divination are harmful to man for two fundamental reasons. The first being this: Man is directly linked, consciously or unconsciously, to invisible forces and these forces have a power of domination over his spirit, if he has not reached a sufficient level of consciousness to make him free from any influence. The second reason is this: Man possesses within him natural forces that he can only use when he has reached a sufficient level of psychological and spiritual evolution, so that his maturity, his balance, is never put in danger.
Unfortunately, man possesses a form of totally astral curiosity, totally linked to his body of desire and his great thirst to know the unknown. And from this natural situation, man progresses towards often very occult means that allow him to touch with his fingertips, a little bit of knowledge, which instead of advancing him in his evolution, can cause him very serious problems.
It is not the inner powers of man that are dangerous; it is the lack of balance in his spirit, the lack of balance between his mind and his emotional state that can manifest itself when these inner forces manifest themselves. And precisely, these forces are fed, brought to the surface, when man, for reasons of pure and simple curiosity or thirst for knowledge, gets into the habit of using mechanical means to reach a little beyond.
Not all men are affected in the same way by these forces, by these forms or objects of divination. Very often, it is the most sensitive who are the greatest manipulators and victims. The forces of the spirit are not under the control of man, as long as he has not sufficiently penetrated into the dimension of the spirit, in order to understand it well and to be in perfect harmony with it. It is better for man to know little or nothing about the spirit than to know a little more, but in an imperfect way. For his spirit will be nourished by the spirit, and the weakness of his spirit will become a doorway through which the forces of the invisible will seek to enter him, to confuse him.
The disease of the material body is painful, but the disease of the spirit is even more terrible to man. And those who, for one reason or another, indulge in fun, or play, or enjoy objects of divination, risk putting their own balance at risk. The objects of divination can be enjoyed by man, only when he uses them for totally constructive and creative purposes, in order to help humanity or to do service to others. But the line is very thin, and few can recognize it.
Whatever attraction or good feeling a man may have for an object or system of divination, he attracts astral forces to himself. And according to his receptivity, his sensitivity, these forces will establish a kind of permanence in him of which he may not even be aware, but which will nevertheless act on him.
If man is to know the unknown, the invisible, there are spiritual forces within him that will enlighten him in time and place. And these spiritual forces will never use material support to make him know certain things in order to help him in his evolution or in his relationships with others. As long as man is on his guard, the danger is minimized, but when man loses consciousness of danger, it is at that moment that his spirit gradually fills up with nuanced influences, of which he does not yet have the discernment to discover the errors.
And from these errors, a foundation of knowledge is built in his mind, neither true nor false, which will always influence his spirit and prevent him from seeing things as they are, as they can be explained by the spiritual intelligences who communicate or can communicate with him, either through his intuition, or directly by the mental body.
Your spirit is your most precious possession, and its balance must never be endangered in any way.
If you consider that today’s world is undergoing a great transformation, a great change, and that in such a period of enormous excess are part of the human experience, you will understand that man of the 20th century, and especially at the end of the 20th century, must be on his guard, and not allow influences and forces to enter him, from which he could so easily be excluded and free.
Today’s man is besieged in a myriad of ways. And his spiritual experience is still very weak, very primitive. We cannot understand the mysteries of the spirit by using our intelligence, but the spirit can explained to man when he has a free way through his consciousness. And when this consciousness is developed, man no longer needs mechanical means to understand the underside of reality.
One of the great dangers of divination objects lies in their power to make us believe that what we receive as information is necessarily correct, because it comes from a level of reality that is not directly attached to man’s normal and natural consciousness. When we feel so informed by a source of intelligence that is not ours, we naturally and naively tend to believe that this source of intelligence is necessarily part of the forces of light. However, this is not always the case, and in all cases contrary to this, man risks disturbing his balance and endangering his mental health.
We are only beginning to understand the underside of man’s reality. And it is only through total and complete vigilance that we will be able to see its contours and discern whether the influences are of positive or negative origin. And since the laws of the spirit are not the laws of the intelligent logic of man, man needs only to lose his vigilance for these forces to penetrate him, feed him, and make him believe that everything that works is necessarily true or good. This is not the case, and it is only in his experience, during his experience, that man can realize that.
We are only trying here to give you reference points, warnings; the rest is your own experience, since the experience is not transmitted. Objects or forms of divination are under the control of intelligences which, in turn, evolve under the control of other intelligences whose origin is lost in the darkest planes of the astral. Although man does not have in himself the natural discernment to correctly, instantaneously, and precisely, evaluate the value of these influences, he must understand that everything that does not come from him internally is suspicious and must be verified at the source that is in himself. Otherwise, his spirit, fuelled by an ever-stronger curiosity, will seek to understand things or see events whose knowledge can only harm him, either because there are one or more errors in this knowledge, or because such knowledge is not the direct and profound fruit of his personal consciousness.
Man’s spirit is easily mesmerized by what he does not fully understand. This attitude, moreover, stems from the fact that man, having not yet succeeded in understanding the totality of reality, is obliged to accumulate, here and there, fragments of information which cannot, in these present circumstances, be verified in an objective and internal way towards himself.
One of the great powers of supramental consciousness comes from the absence of personnel in man, so that his ego can never intervene if man is aware of sources that seek to delay – without him noticing – his evolution.
Man must remember that all these objects, all these psychic or mediumistic gadgets, serve to strengthen in him vibratory bonds that he does not need to be happy and balanced. On the other hand, we recognize that any form of study using these objects, based on a deep sense of helping man or humanity, has attributes whose manifestation can be considered positive, spiritualizing, and of service to man. But is man, on the other hand, ready to assume responsibility for an action that can chain or draw into him forces of which he does not know the laws and of which he can only be a slave if, for one reason or another, they cannot serve him?
Man’s adventure with the forces of the spirit is an adventure that can be fearsome, if these forces do not come from the light and do not come to man of their own free will. When man, through his personal desire, calls upon forces whose laws he does not know, he inevitably submits to probabilities whose danger inversely increases and in proportion to his discernment. As long as man is not assured of a spiritual, powerful and uncorrupt communication, he puts his spirit in danger when he manipulates in a mechanical way energies whose power exceeds his understanding.
Curiosity has its good sides when it serves to give man a greater view, a greater extent in the field of his understanding. But if this curiosity inexorably leads him to naively live the lie, often veiled by a partial truth, he alone can be the victim.
Contemporary psychology, despite its sincere efforts, can with great difficulty interpret the occult role of the spirit in man. And for this reason, man has little access to any form of assistance or education that can give him enough information about an evil that is both pernicious and dangerous.
Your spirit is your greatest possession, and the psychological security of your spirit, your greatest asset against the distortion of the truth. Any imbalance in your spirit, created by negative spiritual forces, can disenchant your life and marginalize your spirit, which otherwise could serve both a progressive and evolutionary existence, instead of a retrograde and sickly occult existence. It is enough for you to look, to observe in some of you who practice one or the other form of divination, to realize that these forms of amusement undermine their natural intelligence and unbalance the performance of a comfortable mind and a healthy emotional state.
A system of divination can only be favourable to you if it inspires only trust in you. In such a case, the predominant effluent will come from Mercury. On the other hand, if such a system does not inspire confidence in you, its effluvium will be either Lunar or Martian. In the case of the effluvium from Mars, the contribution to your psychological balance will be harmful insofar as your naivety will prevail over your common sense. In the case of Lunar effluvium, it will be harmful to you insofar as your research will serve personal and egocentric purposes. Those, on the other hand, which can benefit favourably from divination systems, must remember that man, to the extent that he is unaware of the pre-personal intelligence in him, is subject to the law of cosmic lies according to whether it should be applied in his life plan.
That is why, whether you use these divination systems, and whether the scents come from one globe or another, you will never be able to fully rely on them. And where only one mistake is made, others can follow. On the other hand, if you raise your vibratory level, if your consciousness becomes predominant and succeeds in piercing the veil of the ego, these systems will no longer be necessary for you, since the supramental will inform you of what you need to know. A great quietude of mind is necessary to achieve great clarity of reception and discernment, in regards to the nature of understanding informed things.
Notice that nothing comes to man from the invisible is easily accessible to him. This is why divination systems are not for man tools that easily resolve the questions he may have about this or that thing. The elders have known the danger of desecration of the sacred, that is, of the occult. They have transmitted to man, to future generations, teachings that should protect him against the abuses of selfish desire. It is up to you to realize that not everything that shines is a diamond.
Know how to protect your intelligences and maintain the balance of your spirit because, without one, you cannot understand the other, and without the other you cannot operate in a happy and vital way. The confusion of the spirit is a gradual thing, and it is little by little that man, encountering forces whose laws he does not know, gradually loses its roots in his psychological reality, by undertaking by himself to travel on lands which, for him, are unknown and for the moment unrecognizable.
The virtue of all real science is based on the balance between the spirit of man and the universal spirit. And this virtue is only acquired in serenity and humility. Curiosity is the daughter of pride, and pride is complicit in divination which is not fully understood in its occult laws. It is not divination by itself that is dangerous for man; it is ignorance of man that is dangerous for himself. Divination is only one aspect of the laws of the spirit, and man must recognize that what works materially and psychologically is only an inferior aspect of a much larger and greater reality, which he must fully understand, in order not to subject his spirit to the burden of ignorance that can cause him trouble, rather than to bring him real, fundamental and precise knowledge.
If it had been intended that the spirit should manifest itself perfectly to man through the systems of divination, man would have already understood the laws of the spirit and the mysteries of the invisible. But this was not the case.
Although divination is related to the laws of the spirit, there are pernicious aspects within its mechanisms, and only the wise man can avoid damaging the fragile foundation of his spirit. Notice that there are people who know how to use divination systems well and these people can easily help others. But not all men have the sensitivity and centricity necessary to make good use of these systems of clairvoyance which should allow them to see a little in the future. And if it is not given to man, easily, to see in the future, it is because it is known that man, because of his emotions, cannot support the weight of this knowledge.
Man’s interest in divination is a natural interest, because man seeks to understand or see beyond the veil that envelops his spirit. But man must walk certain paths during his evolution, before he can reach the plateau where he can look 360 degrees around him and see without fear of what will develop in the future. That is why the safest formula available to him is based on the relationship of his spirit with the universal spirit. In this way, his spirit is protected by the universal spirit and man can gradually penetrate the spheres of knowledge without being pushed and struck mortally by the power of their revelations.
The man of tomorrow must no longer be subjected to the suffering of the spirit. And for this condition of future life to be fulfilled, he must learn to know and understand all the laws of the spirit, such that his material life is filled with the spirit, and not filled with his ideas of the spirit and its laws.
Update on 2024/08/03